Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fancy Nancy

Want a good read? Check out “Fancy Nancy,” a children’s book about a girl who really lives it up, from wearing lace-trimmed socks with her soccer uniform to decking out her room to reflect her passion for all things posh. Besides a story that’ll warm your heart, you may even pick up some style tips along the way.

Decorate your life with style and try our calendar Doodlebats (each one a collection of 36 doodles, one for every letter and number on your keyboard). Yes, I realize it’s almost February — but marking Valentine’s Day on my calendar with whimsical pink hearts helps me forget about the great white cold outside. (Want to use my February calendar? Download it--without my birthday notes--here.)

And even if you’re a Simple Sarah, when you doll up your calendar (at least the special occasions), you’ll see how a Doodlebat can make the anticipation for upcoming holidays that much sweeter!


Products used:

LDJ Shortbread Hand (month and weekdays)

CK Ladder, with 1 pt character spacing (birthdays)

DB Calendar Doodles (hearts, cupcakes, flag)

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